
Registration Fees | Cancellation Policy | Registration Fees Include | Payment Methods | Press Registration

Online registration is mandatory. Registration is expected to open in fall 2024.

Registration Fees

  Early Bird until
March 02, 2025
Starting from
March 03, 2025
Member physicians SSNS 200 250
Non-member physicians 250 300
Residents 100 150
Fees in CHF, subject to modifications

Cancellation policy

All cancellations must be electronically mailed to IMK.
Cancellations received up to February 19, 2025: 50% refund will be made.
Cancellations received starting from February 20, 2025: no refund will be made.

Registration Fees Include

  • Participation in all scientific sessions
  • Entrance to the exhibition
  • Refreshments as per times indicated in the program
  • Printed congress materials
  • Confirmation of participation (sent via email after the congress)

Payment Methods

Payment of registration fees (in CHF) can be made as follows:

  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
  • Paypal

Press Registration

For press, please send your press credentials to our registration department at: